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Rainhill Trials WOD1

16 min time cap:

1km row

75 double unders

750m row

75 double unders

500m row

75 double unders

(You can complete single unders but at double rep range at 150)

My first thoughts: I have just got the hang of double unders. Not a strength of mine. I had been practicing but 75 has been my maximum target rep range in the last few weeks of training so this volume just seemed like it would blow my head up after numerous trips on the rope.

Scaled option of single unders suits me fine. They are still going to be tough after the row.

I think I can hold a 2:00 pace on the rower... but me and the rower don't exactly get on, it knows how to hurt me. I crawl off it at the best of times.


I tackled it how I said I wouldn't! haaa. Inexperience.

Went too hard on the first km. Started at 1:50 pace, NOT SUSTAINABLE. I eased off after advice from me old coach, Matt Tyler (who is also competing by the way, check out his Insta if you wanna see some real cool Crossfit shit).

I stuck around there for the rest of the 1000m and went onto my skips. Blimey the legs did not feel like mine but I just closed my eyes and attempted to get my breathing under control.

Second part hit, 750 was disgusting! This is where the mind starts to get in involved and plants seeds of doubt 'why the fuck are you doing this? This is day one!'. Bypassed it, only tripped a couple of times on the rope.

The 500m was agonising. The burn in my legs resembled that feeling of all those hours I spent triathlon training on the bike! Again, tripped a few times (2 reps before the end... annoying). Finished with a respectable time of:


Checking out my score - I completed the 1km row 5 seconds quicker than my 750! Divvy. Pacing has never been my strong suit.

Wanna watch me die:

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