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Rainhill Trials WOD2

Updated: Nov 1, 2020

24 hours on and Rainhill set another endurance test, incorporating some grit and skill.

20 minutes to complete as many rounds of:

10 x Toes to Bar

10 x Hang DB Clean and Jerk (Left)

10 x Hang DB Clean and Jerk (Right)

30 x Double Unders

I however have not mastered gymnastics yet so I was allowed to perform knee raises instead of toes to bar and once again, double the reps on the double unders - completing 60 single skips.

The sequence had to be completed as written and to start, with the weaker arm after the taxing grip work on the knee raises was tough indeed!

Looking back at the video and matching that with how I felt during the workout, I think I moved efficiently and strategised well with where I broke up the reps.

20 minutes is a long time. It allows the opportunity to show off your capacity and the ability to maintain a decent pace throughout. I'd like to have performed the movements at the required standard but... I'm still a newbie and was pleased with my overall performance.

My score: 7 rounds + 20 knee raises (10 t2b) + 10 C&J (L) + 4 C&J (R)

I came 21st out of the 70 athletes.

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